Author: admin

Forgot your Cisco Router Password? Follow these easy steps for recovery on terminal

What is Cisco Rommon Mode? ROM Monitor Mode, often referred to as “ROMMON” mode, is a low-level mode on Cisco networking devices that allows for basic device recovery and maintenance operations. ROMMON stands for “ROM Monitor,” and it provides a way to interact with the device’s firmware and bootstrap loader when normal operating conditions or […]

What is Netflow protocol? Deployment of Netflow server

NetFlow is a network protocol developed by Cisco that is used for network traffic monitoring and analysis. It allows network administrators to collect and view information about the traffic flowing through their network devices, such as routers and switches. A NetFlow server, sometimes referred to as a NetFlow collector or analyzer, is a system or […]

What is RIP Protocol in networking? How implement RIP on routers?

RIP, which stands for Routing Information Protocol, is a distance-vector routing protocol used in computer networking and particularly in Cisco networking equipment. RIP is one of the oldest and simplest routing protocols used to exchange routing information between routers in a network. Cisco routers can be configured to use RIP for routing purposes. Here are […]

What is a DNS Server? How to setup on a network?

A DNS server, or Domain Name System server, is a crucial component of the internet infrastructure that helps translate human-readable domain names into IP addresses. Domain names are the familiar web addresses that people use to access websites, such as ““. IP addresses, on the other hand, are numeric identifiers that computers and devices use […]

Syslog Server implementation for Cisco network devices

On Cisco networking devices, a syslog server refers to a system or application that collects, stores, and manages log messages generated by the Cisco devices. These log messages contain valuable information about the operation, performance, and events occurring on the network equipment. The syslog server helps network administrators and engineers to monitor, troubleshoot, and analyze […]

What is EIGRP Protocol? How to use EIGRP?

EIGRP, which stands for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol, is a dynamic routing protocol used in computer networks to help routers exchange routing information efficiently. It was developed by Cisco Systems and is primarily designed for use in IP networks, including both local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). EIGRP is an advanced […]

Fortigate Firewall HA (High availability) Deployment

Deploying high availability (HA) on Fortinet FortiGate firewalls offers several benefits, including: On this topology we have two Fortinet Fortigate firewalls, two network switches, one router, four end-users. We will complete all the physical connections between devices, then jump into Fortigate configurations. We will start configuring Master Firewall with 3 interfaces, LAN-WAN-HA LINK. Second firewall […]

Cisco ASA 5506 firewall initial deployment with CLI

Cisco ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance) is a firewall and network security device produced by Cisco Systems. It provides advanced firewall, VPN (Virtual Private Network), and intrusion prevention capabilities to protect networks from unauthorized access, threats, and attacks. The Cisco ASA firewall offers both hardware and software components, including a dedicated security operating system called Cisco […]

What is a network port? Well known ports and registered ports.

A network port is a communication endpoint in a network. It is identified by a numerical value, called a port number, which helps direct network traffic to specific applications or services running on a device. Ports allow multiple applications to coexist on the same network device by assigning unique port numbers to each application. There […]

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