Difference between 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz frequency bands on Wifi communication
The 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless networks are wireless communications wireless networks. Each is distinct in advantage and disadvantage depending on application. Feature 2.4 GHz 5 GHz Speed Slower (max ~600 Mbps, depending on Wi-Fi standard) Faster (up to several Gbps, depending on Wi-Fi standard) Range Longer range (penetrates walls and obstacles better) Shorter range (weaker penetration through walls) Interference More interference (crowded band with Bluetooth, microwaves, etc.) […]
Cisco WLAN Controller with VLANs through multiple SSIDs
Let’s start configuring our VLANs and ports. We will create 3 VLANs on SW1 core switch. One of them will serve as Management subnet, others will serve as Office and Guest networks. Upon completion of VLAN and port configurations, we will start configuring Cisco Wireless Controllers and our Cisco Access Points. Both access points will […]