Month: July 2024

[Hacking Series/Lab 2] – SNMP Attack ! This training was created for preventive defensive purposes.

Disclaimer: These methods and techniques are purely for educational and informational purposes. All attacks were carried out in an offline isolated virtual environment. The use of these techniques in normal life is illegal and the responsibility lies strictly with the reader. DO NOT USE THESE TECHNIQUES IN REAL LIFE ! An SNMP (Simple Network Management […]

[Hacking Series/Lab 1] – VLAN Hopping Attack ! This training was created for preventive defensive purposes.

Disclaimer: These methods and techniques are purely for educational and informational purposes. All attacks were carried out in an offline isolated virtual environment. The use of these techniques in normal life is illegal and the responsibility lies strictly with the reader. DO NOT USE THESE TECHNIQUES IN REAL LIFE ! In this training, I will […]

OT/IT Security – Internal Firewall Fortigate Implementation with configurations for your critical networks

An internal firewall, also known as an internal network firewall or a segment firewall, is a security system designed to protect and control traffic between different segments within an organization’s internal network. Unlike a perimeter firewall, which protects the network from external threats, an internal firewall focuses on securing the internal network by regulating the […]

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